Illinois bans microbeads in cosmetics
Life cycle thinking guide and tools.
New ECHA newsletter on chemical substitution.
Industry’s perspective on alternatives assessment as routine R&D component.
Walmart presses its suppliers to eliminate priority chemicals.
06 Nov
How will product stewardship proceed for the micro beads in body scrubs controversy?
The new Responsible Care Product Safety Code enhances value chain communication in ways that chemical customers should be using now.
17 Sep
ECOS – Environmental Council of the States (an organization of state environmental agency leaders) adopted a definition of “product stewardship” as:
“…the act of minimizing health, safety, environmental, and social impacts, and maximizing economic benefits of a product and its packaging throughout all lifecycle stages. The producer of the product has the greatest ability to minimize adverse impacts, but other stakeholders, such as suppliers, retailers, and consumers, also play a role. Stewardship can be either voluntary or required by law”
Nice blog by Michael Kirschner summarizes steps to take to deal with all the challenges that are threatening products containing chemicals “of concern.” He advises manufacturers to take the following steps: