California issues draft priority products: polyurethane in foam insulation with isocyanates, chlorinated tris in children’s foam pads, and methylene chloride in paint strippers.
New Alternatives Assessment Guide from the Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse released.
Walmart issues new product disclosure and ban rules.
15 May
Review of state toxics policies in lieu of TSCA reform.
California’s Appellate Court ruled that California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) went too far in basing Prop 65 listing as a “known” carcinogen on the basis of an IARC 2B (possibly carcinogenic to humans) classification for styrene and vinyl acetate. Since Prop 65 represents a blacklist in not only California but also many other states and purchasers who use it for their toxics lists, this is a Big Deal. Obviously for styrene and vinyl acetate (which are building blocks for major polymers) but also for other Prop 65 candidates and blacklisters.
11 Jan