I agree with the article by Mark McElroy “Do LCAs Measure Up To Sustainability?” He says they do not,
As I've blogged before, sustainability should be about how we do what we do and not a collation of LCA's. At best LCA's help inform decisions as we try to understand the dynamic systems of which products and users are a part. I use the phrase "life cycle thinking" to describe how we need to recognize the potential intended and unintended consequences of our actions. Understanding contexts and consequences.
There is no such a thing as a "sustainable product" (see comments into EPA on their proposed efforts here). We each bear responsibilities as product stewards in how we manage a product throughout its life cycle - whatever our role might be.
McElroy also hits the mark that LCA's and too many "sustainability" efforts focus only on environmental issues . Probably because they are easier to measure than social and economic impacts.