I recommend you to check out the article What E-Enterprise for the Environment Means for TSCA and the Future of Chemical Control by Keller & Heckman attorneys Trent M. Doyle,
EPA wants to encourage the public to push for safer chemicals and industry to respond ahead of time by seeing the kind of information that will be released. The gold standard is TRI - Community Right-to-Know regulations which by far caused the most dramatic changes in industry pollution practice simply as a result of making data public and shaming companies.
EPA's already taking steps under TSCA with Chemview and Chemical Data Access Tool (CDAT). The agency is also talking about providing access to Chemview through the OECD eChemPortal sometime next year.
The danger is that garbage data without context and quality control will be misinterpreted and misused, resulting in a lot of cost and effort and little real risk reduction. The opportunity is better decision-making informed by facts and changes resulting in healthier people and environment.