27 Mar
Flame retardants set for 2013 TSCA focus
21 Mar
FTC ordered companies to stop making zero VOC claims for their paints because the VOCs released upon use were not “trace” amounts
25 Feb
New bills on TSCA reform are due in 2013 – Sen. Lautenberg reintroducing his Safe Chemicals Act and Sen. Vitter is expected to introduce a paired down version of TSCA revisions. Given the major pressures on Congress – fiscal mess, immigration, gun control, etc. and the Republican House – it’s not clear anything will pass this year, but there should be more to chew on. The problem is everyone wants some thing different in “modernization” of TSCA: make it easier for EPA to issue regulations, but not too easy and convince the public chemicals are safe – whatever that means.
25 Feb
EPA has published another batch of 37 Significant New Use Rules (SNURs) on chemicals that had been premanufacture noticed (PMN’d). Only 17 of them had consent orders. Isocyanates, siloxanes, nanocarbons predominate.
Make sure you are reviewing these for possible applicability – especially if the use is not “new” to you.
22 Feb
EPA declassified chemical identities in a few more health and safety studies and made some pretty graphs: http://www.epa.gov/oppt/existingchemicals/pubs/transparency-charts.html
If I’m reading the numbers right, they have declassified about 20% of the 4,025 claims made. 3,242 claims were deemed actually legitimate. Another 11, 508 studies had made no claims in the first place. Only 532 of the chemicals were made over 25,000 lb per IUR reporting. Play whatever games you want with the numbers.
ECHA reminds submitters to get in early for the second round of REACH applicable to manufacture or import between 100 – 1,000 metric tonnes/yr of a chemical substance not previously registered. The official deadline is May 31, but since many dossiers have been incomplete in the past, lead registrants are strongly advised to get their dossier in by March 31.
11 Feb
EPA news item:
EPA has released the non-confidential Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) information on chemical manufacturing, processing and use in the United States.
The 2012 non-confidential database and search tool are available at www.epa.gov/cdr. Users can download the database or search the database by chemical name, CAS number, or company name to retrieve company and site-specific information about chemicals in commerce and to view information on specific uses of chemicals, such as those used in products intended for children. This website also includes more information about the CDR data results, as well as fact sheets.
ECHA has recommended 10 Substances of Very High Concern to go onto the Authorization list. Once finalized by the European Commission, Member States and EU Parliament, sunset (ban) dates will be set and companies will need to file and get authorization for use approved to continue marketing past those dates.
04 Jan
Draft risk assessments have been announced by EPA under their new Work Plan to begin tackling 83 chemicals. These are open for public comment and will be peer-reviewed. EPA may or may not take action to restrict uses under TSCA after the assessments are completed. In the meantime, the press release says:
“EPA recommends the public follow product label directions and take precautions that can reduce exposures, such as using the product outside or in an extremely well ventilated area and wearing protective equipment to reduce exposure.”
– even though the draft risk assessment says there is no concern for ATO and HHCB.
19 Dec
There are now 138 Substances of Very High Concern under REACH with the addition of another set of 54 chemicals December 19, 2012. Producers and importers of articles have 6 months to notify ECHA if articles contain more than 0..1% by weight and the use hasn’t already been registered.
Companies need to keep on top of new listings (about every 6 months) and be prepared to find out whether articles you make, sell or buy contain >0.1% adding to more than 1 metric tonne/yr.